Suggested Learning Material

Discovery-DR.jpgGateway Experience Waves I-VI Album

by Robert A. Monroe

Mind Awakening CDs that help you achieve expanded awareness.

The Gateway Experience® In-Home Training Series evolved directly from The Monroe Institute’s world-renowned Gateway Voyage®. Like the Voyage, this life-enhancing program is dedicated to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Beginning with Discovery, there are six “albums” called “Waves of Change.” Each Wave (3 CDs, 6 exercises) contains special Hemi-Sync exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded awareness. While in such states, one has available a broader range of perceptions with which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance.

Each album is progressive in nature, building on the tools and techniques from the previous albums. Therefore, the albums must be used sequentially. The Gateway Experience Guidance Manuals, included with each Wave, prepare you for these exercises which help you to know and better understand your total self so you might enjoy a more fulfilling life.

 want to Listen

JourneysOutoftheBodyjpgJourneys Out of the Body

by Robert A. Monroe

With more than 300,000 copies sold to date, this is the definitive work on the extraordinary phenomenon of out-of-body experiences, by the founder of the internationally known Monroe Institute.

(This is the first book of three. I recommend the one first)

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Far JourneysFar Journeys

by Robert A. Monroe

In his bestselling classic, Journeys Out of the Body, Robert Monroe revealed to readers his enthralling excursions out of the body and into outer consciousness. Now, after more than a decade and, sessions of intensive psychological and psychic research, he presents persuasive new, fully documented evidence of realities even further beyond the known dimensions of the physical universe. Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has praised the book as “wonderful, it describes for the first time in understandable form the cycle of human existence through life and death”.

(This is the second book of three.)

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Ultimate JourneyUltimate Journey

by Robert A. Monroe

In 1958, a successful businessman named Robert Mornroe began to have experiences that drastically altered his life.  Unpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a “second body” to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was inhabiting a place unbounded by life or death.

Ultimate Journey charts that area which lies “over the edge,” beyond the limits of the physical world. It presents us with a map of the “interstate”–the route that opens to us when we leave our physical lives, with their entry and exit ramps, their singposts and their hazards.  It also tells us how Monroe found the route and travelled it, and uncovered the reason and the purpose of this pioneering expedition.  It is a journey that reveals basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life–and of what lies beyond.

(This is the Third book of three.)

want to read want to Listen